In response to an old friend's Tesla questions, I've been reading the Tesla Blog:
It is the first time I've read more than a post or so. It covers near the entire history of Tesla. Since the 3rd "Master Plan" is due to appear soon, I decided to locate the first two Master Plans:
Tesla should have great credibility given how well they have followed previous long term plans.
Like everyone else I know, I have tried to inform my friend on Teslas. Sadly, he remains surprisingly poorly informed. Even to be uncertain as to the attributes of currently offered models. So I offer:
1) Original Roadster
2) Model S - a high performance, largish, four door sedan
3) Model X - a larger SUV type body on the Model S chassis.
4) Model 3 - very similar to Model S but smaller and cheaper.
5) Model Y - has about the same relationship to Model 3 as Model X has to Model S.
"In the works" are Cyber Truck and Semi with a cheaper smaller sedan expected to be introduced after Tesla has saturated the higher priced market. The original Roadster has been out of production since about the time the Model S was offered. But is due to be replaced with a new Roadster.