Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Permian Highway Pipeline



Not related to the petroleum pipeline but here is something about the Carrizo/Wilcox water pipeline from Lee County to San Antonio:
I observed portions of it being buried through Caldwell County.  It appeared to be about 8' in diameter.

These pipelines got me to thinking about pipeline troubles I have had.  During the 1990s, when I was still trying to grow peach trees, I had a dead zone of about 50' width going through a peach planting.  With good healthy trees on each side of the zone.  Dead due to oil spills by Coffield Pipeline Company.  The company seems to have fallen off of Google.  Coffield did almost no maintenance; they only (eventually) repaired leaks.  Their leak rate was about once every six months on the ~2000' section that crossed my property.  Each leak in the range of 1 gallon to 100 gallons of crude oil.  They resisted burying the line to 3' as required by the lease/easement because that would make such frequent repairs more costly.  In several years of attempting to deal with the problem, I learned that the Texas Railroad Commission (who was supposed to enforce petroleum pipeline regulations) considered it their duty to keep irate land owners off the backs of the pipeline companies.

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