Monday, May 25, 2020

Caught pigs

You probably can't count, but there should be 8 pigs and a smallish (150-200 lb) sow.  It is most unusual to be able to catch that many in one batch with such a small trap.


Hog trappers report ANOTHER sow with six pigs in a single catch!

This hog trapping is going better than expected!
Most recent count is 37 or 38.   Of course, 16 of those were in the above reported two multiple catches.
He is working my two traps and about three of his own.
His cameras show a thriving turkey population.


  1. Now that the sow and piglets are in the trailer, what will happen to them? How did you connect with the "trappers"? I have some very large black sows here that are able to root right down to the clay. I wonder if they are after grubs? Thus, "grubbing"? Most recently, they completely plowed an area where my round bale feeder was. Turned it over real well. It is a very rough ride when shredding pasture. They are turning over all the good areas, and worst of all, rooting the overflow area for my largest tank.

  2. These guys are self butchering and do not want very many at any one time. More serious pig trappers haul as many as they can to a butcher/processor. If the demand is sufficient. The market for wild hogs has declined in the past few years.
    I connected to them through StJohn NextDoor. I'll try to remember to send you an email address.
    BUT, they've caught the 9 in photos plus one larger boar in ~6 weeks. You might have better luck with snares at fence crossings.
    I've offered several times to buy a "real" corral trap with remote gate dropping if I could find someone to operate it for me.

  3. You'll never clean the hogs out with these small random catch traps.

  4. I was wondering if they charged you, or you charged them, or if it was a wash. We would benefit from something like this.

    1. I guess I failed to explicitly answer that question. No cash changes hands. They have no market for the hogs and therefore can not afford to pay. I would not be willing to pay for such uncertain and small fraction of the hogs results.

  5. Do they need another guaranteed place to put their gear? We have them here all the time and see evidence just about every day.
