Monday, September 28, 2020

Sixth Emporia

 I just added my 6th Emporia energy/power monitoring system.

My first five are "gen1"; "gen2" recently became available.   I just installed an 8 CT gen2. Initially, I've using 7 CTs.

I recommend as being very cheap as well as cost effective.  The "gen2" is offered with either 8 or 16 CTs.  The main box of each offers 16 CT connections.  So, you could buy one 8 CT version and one 16.  Then use more than 8 CTs on each.  Say 12 on each or 10 on one and 14 on the other.  This install was only about 1/2 day from start to working; that includes a lot of time searching for breakers and such.  The gen2 8CT is $110, gen2 16CT is $150.  I see they have some gen1 8CTs that are $85; they were priced at $100 so they are likely closing out.

CT == "current transformer".   Space permitting, a CT easily clamps around a AC wire and is plugged into the Emporia main box. One CT allows monitoring of current/power/energy on one wire.  The main box has both wifi and Bluetooth wireless connectivity.  The box is initially configured through Bluetooth with an app on a smart phone.  After configuration, the box continuously updates a cloud based data base through the wifi internet connection.  That data base can then be accessed from anywhere through the smart phone app.  Browser based access is planned but not currently available.

I recently received three new gen2 units and just installed one on the old meter / main breaker box at the old barn.  AKA "pool" or "PV shed".

For zoomable images:

This is a 15 kw transformer so production is limited to about that.  There are about 6 arrays of panels totaling about 100 that are now monitored.   The monitoring will allow me to better guess how much more can be added.  I THINK I'm near the limit so changes/additions will likely be converting to E/W rails.

 For trusted people who pledge not to mess with the configuration, I will supply my Emporia log on credentials.

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