Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Free food

 About 10:30, I was walking back to the house from a minor work session on the new project across the road.  A school bus slowly approached me from the rear.  Heading toward Dale.  Went past slowly, then backed up to me.  Driver opened the door.  I asked: "Do I look like a student?".  "No, I have some free food for you".  There were a few small children aboard; one handed me a plastic grocery bag full of stuff.  Had I had my wits about me, I would have explained that I was not in need and suggested they give to someone in need.  But, I just took it.

On opening the bag, I found what appeared to be three breakfasts with three each of about six items.  Three no fat chocolate milk half pints.  Three green apples.  Assorted packaged foods.  Seemingly, the school district is feeding kids breakfasts on the busses.  Three extras today.

 I can find no villains here.  Other than the welfare system.  Better to give the food to someone not needy than to have it eventually tossed. 

A bit later:  I devoted myself to eating one of each item for lunch.  I think the package was for both breakfast and lunch.  Too much food for a single meal for a child. Contents:

small container of apple juice

foil bag of about six frozen chicken nuggets

1/2 pint of chocolate skim milk.  The chocolate partially offsets the skim

a Granny Smith apple

bag of small carrot pieces

bag of Eggo pancake bites, "blueberry flavored"

small box of raisins



  1. If you were dressed as you usually are, the driver probably assumed you were homeless and hungry.

  2. Nurse Rached has a favorite singer that goes by the name of Rag and Bone Man. First thing that came to my mind after reading Gail's comment. 2nd thought was a certain Cruz that was homeless and showed up at a court hearing wearing a dapper blue suit and carrying an expensive Apple Laptop.

  3. Sounds like you got balanced meals out of the deal! Kind of a cool story.
