Thursday, March 4, 2021

PV Production 2/10/2021 through 2/18/2021

 My "Across the Road" meter is devoted almost completely to PV production and it is my highest producing meter.  Up to about 300kwh/day.  Other meters have "good day" productions ranging from about 70 to 200 kwh/day.  During "the episode", I was running an electric heater (on a thermostat ~1kw, I think) to keep two tractors in the RV building from freezing and an electric light bulb or two.

For the period 2/10 through 2/18:
My consumption was less than 6 kwh/day
My net sales ranged from 12 kwh to 52 kwh
Total sales were 221 kwh for the nine days.
Production during the period was limited primarily due to snow cover on panels though those panels are mostly steeply sloped.  ~70 deg from horizontal.  I observed that roof top panels with ~20 deg slope cleared faster than those resting one end on ground.

Though I did no snow clearing, had I had advance notice of grid failure threat, I would have worked some clearing snow from panels.  I expect my energy would have been quite valuable to Bluebonnet.

I could extract similar data on the other three meters but don't think it's worth my trouble.  I would expect to find that I was a net user rather than a producer as the above indicates on that one meter.

This may have the makings of a blog post. 


Net sales on my not yet completed "hilltop" project was 87 kwh for the entire period.

Net consumption at my house was 69 kwh for the entire period.

Net consumption at my "big barn" meter was 207 kwh for the entire period.

So, my energy consumption and sales were 221 + 87 - 69  - 207 = 32 kwh in sales.


The consumption at the big barn was unexpectedly high.  I haven't thought of a reason yet.


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