Monday, October 4, 2021


 I saw this PBS show the other day:

I've been astonished at the negativism I encounter about Musk.  I have to conclude that his accomplishments are not widely known.

1) Without Musk and Tesla we would be decades away from EV adoption.  Now, we are on the very verge despite the establishment resistance.  Recall GM's actions that resulted in a ten year delay of EV batteries:

As documented by Who Killed the Electric Car:

In the absence of threat and example from Tesla the common automakers would continue to oppose and obstruct the movement to EV adoption.  Due to the market threat from Tesla, the common and threatened auto makers have started to "Talk the talk" but not "Walk the walk".  Amusingly, Ford recently stated a goal of producing 40% EVs within 10 years.  This, while several countries are approaching 40% EV market penetration now.

On top of that, the Biden administration fails to give credit to Tesla for EV accomplishments and to deny support to Tesla.

2) SpaceX has brought a revolution in rocketry.  SpaceX has reduced launch costs by an order of magnitude.   Those cost reductions make trips to the Moon and Mars possible in the near term.   StarLink is a VERY big deal but I will not go into that here.

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