Friday, September 23, 2022

New Tiny House information

I noticed Bob's yard near Elroy while doing airport pickups and dropoffs.  I just stopped in and talked.  Pleasant surprise!  A fairly well fitted out 40'x8' is "only" in the $60k range.  That's with a 12000btu mini split, water heater, kitchen sink with (probably) induction cook top.  Stud and drywall interior walls and ceiling.   And a nice enough bath and more than nice enough shower.  I have many items to discus with them but I can envision buying one or more.

Probably much more later.

9/26/22  No reply as promised from Bob's.  Gleaning website:

Cook top is probably resistive rather than inductive.  Not a difficult fix.  They come standard with separate grey and black water outlets.  I just cost me a few hundered dollars to have the waste water on it divided.

I envision a cluster of up to four with a single small septic tank.  And, of course, the grey waters combined and routed to some place that needs irriation.

Use might be: a respite for me and/or others.  Rental units for hunters, horseback riders and others.

Perhaps a single PowerWall for the cluster.  Both for long term and short term power failures.

Need to think about rainwater collection and storage.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

QE 1926 - 9/8/2022

 Reflections on the death of the Queen of England.

As a child, about age 10, my family moved from St Louis to Austin.  My father's boss/mentor/friend was Don Williamson.  Both worked for American Liberty Oil Company.  They worked out of a two man American Liberty office at an old office building on the NE corner of 6th and Congress.  The Littlefield Building.  It is a building that is now pretty rare in that they had their own DC electric supply.   12vdc, as I recall.  So, appliances used in the building had to run on 12vdc.

It has been relatively easy to identify the period during which we moved to Austin.   We had our first TV viewing experiences in St Louis, which had at least three TV stations at the time.  So, a TV set was in our household goods moved to Austin.  The first Austin TV station, KTBC, was still about 6 months away from broadcasting at the time of our move.  A big early Austin advertiser was Willie Kocureck, father to Neil.  He ran an appliance store.  "You don't need money!  Just a little bit a month".  We lived in Austin around 10 years before KTBC, owned by the LBJ family, finally allowed other stations to get licenses. 

The Williamsons were more affluent than we were and we got a lot of hand-me-downs from them.  I recall a wood Old Town canoe complete with small outboard motor and an upright piano.  For some reason, unknown to me, the Williamsons were anglophiles.  Probably due to some wartime experiences.  Anyway, they decided to make the trip to England for Elizabeth's coronation.  They brought back MANY coronation tourist souvenirs and distributed them to friends.  We had a printed/painted platter for a long while.  I wish I could say I knew what became of it.  I think it was Don that gave me an autographed Dana X Bible football.  I mistreated by using and treating it like a common football.  Eventually, I lost it.