Happy birthday, Jean!
I came across a batch of photos that had been emailed to me, likely from Jean's cell phone in May 2011. That is my explanation for the low resolution photos. I believe that, at that time, Jean had been diagnosed with her final Stage IV breast cancer. The photos, I believe, are from two farmers markets. I think the market without the Sprinter in the background is the Sunday Hope market on E4th in Austin. I can't guess on the one where we were able to sell directly out of the Sprinter.
At that time, we hoped for Jean to have up to about five years more of life and we were making plans to best use the time we had. As it turned out, we had only about 15 months left at that time.
Note that we were selling out of the Sprinter cargo van. About this time, we were to buy a similar Sprinter, but one that had been converted to a camper van, and build the "RV Building" to shelter it. We had hoped to travel in the conversion van but were able to make only a single trip. I did not grow crops to sell for the following year, 2012. The photos were taken of my last farmers market season. I don't remember exactly when I quit but I had a crop of okra in the works so I at least sold okra to grocery stores until the end of the season.
Note the seasonal crops: squashes, red potatoes, onions (and probably garlic), carrots, asparagus. Greens of some sort. There may have been just a few peaches. Note the rack of "canned goods". The very nice wood rack was made for me by Donna Menke.
I am now semi-content to watch YouTube videos of asian women "homesteading" and selling at farmers markets: