Saturday, October 12, 2019

For those unaware that I am a movie star

This from the creator/director/something of the movie Quaker Oaths:

Hi friends of Quaker Oaths!
As you may remember, Quaker Oaths is now streaming on Amazon Prime. For the last year, the number of viewers has been steadily going up and up, which has been really exciting to see- total strangers are finding the movie, watching it and leaving (mostly!) glowing reviews.   It's also great because the more views we get, the more it goes up in the all-powerful Amazon algorithm, and then it's more likely to get on people's homes screens as a suggested watch.

So yes, this is an email all about algorithms! 

I'm writing today to ask a favor- 
If you are someone who does Amazon Prime and you have the time, can you please put on Quaker Oaths and let it play all the way through to the end*  and then leave it a short review? My distributor has told me that what puts a movie ahead is people giving it a full watch and then reviewing it- that counts as a verified review. We need 100 of these verified reviews to put us on another level of Amazon Prime-ness. 

And also- spread the word if you can! Think of one or two people you know who can also Amazon Prime this thing- that would really help get our numbers up. Like a chain letter, except you don't end up getting anything later on*. 

I promise this is not about making money, we just want people to see this movie!

Thanks so much for all your past support of the film, I appreciate you all!

*Most of you have probably already watched the movie and don't need to see it again,  but maybe you could just have it on in the background while you wash dishes or sleep or something else fun like that!

**I think that's what happens with real chain letters too

1 comment:

  1. Watched it. Reviewed it. Not a movie I would watch again.
