Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Caldwell County Courthouse Confederate Monument

The monument is slated to be moved to another location.  


Being semi-outraged, I became a member of SCV and started donating to UDC.

My grandmother was a proud daughter of a Confederate Veteran and equally proud of her status in UDC as a "Real Daughter".    This is my great grandfather:


Though I descended from at least two other Veterans.


My 3rd great grandfather, John McKamie, was killed by yankees after the Battle of Fort Donelson and believed to have ended up in an unmarked grave.

Thank you NR for stimulating me to action.



  1. Monuments to the dead belong in cemeteries. I have no objection to this monument being relocated there. Civil wars are not civil.

    1. Then this one belongs in the cemetery in Atlanta, GA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Martin_Luther_King_Jr._(Austin,_Texas)

    2. I was also thinking of the plethora of courthouse memorials across the country for veterans of WWI, WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam War etc. Not to mention the National Viet Nam War Memorial in Washington DC. It is difficult to accuse the commenter of clear thinking.
