Saturday, July 17, 2021

EV Travel Adventures

Mainly posted for my own future reference.

I see the opening of the Canadian border is in the news.

Two years ago, I traveled as far north as Ft St John which is one charge beyond the last SuperCharger in Edmonton.  That is, I had to do some RV park charging to get between Edmonton and Ft St John.   Ft St John has a "destination charger" at a Microtel hotel.  The next stop north would have been Ft Nelson.  But I was not carrying a full complement of electric adapters and the only RV parks in Ft Nelson had only "30 amp" outlets.  So, I turned around.  Searching with, I see there remain 300-500 mile legs between RV parks with "50 amp" outlets on the route to Alaska.,+BC,+Canada/Fort+Nelson,+BC,+Canada/Watson+Lake,+YT,+Canada/Whitehorse,+YT,+Canada/Alcan+Border,+AK/@59.1560046,-139.9320241,5z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m33!4m32!1m5!1m1!1s0x539249b23cd026b5:0x56ba966ece75ce0a!2m2!1d-120.846409!2d56.252423!1m5!1m1!1s0x53eead910da086fd:0x5f2e4258bd5e0070!2m2!1d-122.697236!2d58.8050174!1m5!1m1!1s0x53fb59a95bb32ca3:0x8e010d3860a6ee53!2m2!1d-128.710913!2d60.062806!1m5!1m1!1s0x5154449880bc5381:0xe43db7ea64d0354b!2m2!1d-135.0568448!2d60.7211871!1m5!1m1!1s0x514b7eb749fce0c5:0xfd7a81c49e13a77e!2m2!1d-141.131215!2d62.6584334!3e0!4e1

 This source CLAIMS 50 amp service in Ft Nelson:

I'm thinking that a CyberTruck might be a good vehicle for such travel.  I've become much enamored of the Quest TV series Yukon Gold and want to see the country around Dawson City (Yukon Territory) and Atlin (British Columbia).

I'm encouraged that Tesla is putting in more northern SuperChargers:

In the nearer term, I'm thinking Pike's Peak and Key West:

Those would both be 4-6 day trips.

29 August 2021:

Tesla is making very good progress on the Canadian SuperCharger network.  By the time I get back up there, I am likely to be able to make a big loop through/around the Canadian Rockies rather than just going north and back south on the same route.  Though there is now one SuperCharger in Alaska, a SuperCharger connection to Alaska still seems far in the future.  They are on the verge of having two east/west SuperCharger chains all the way across Canada.


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